Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Home Bamboo Flooring

For those who think panda whenever anyone mentions bamboo, this might be an instructive read. Thanks to the ‘green products’ trend in interior design, bamboo flooring has become the most environment-friendly and natural alternative to traditional hardwood flooring. Yes, perhaps the idea of making a floor out of grass sounds a mite strange, but the idea is not as revolutionary as you think. Plenty of indigenous peoples have been following it for 

centuriesUsually the manufactured bamboo flooring that is most commonly found in North America is highly processed. It is made by slicing bamboo poles into flat strips. The poles are first cross cut to length and then sliced into flat strips depending on the required width. Most of the people get this customized. The outer skin is removed after this stageAnother reason why the bamboo plant has earned such a widely accepted reputation is that it is quite friendly to the environment. Since the bamboo plant is actually a type of grass and not a tree, they're easier to cultivate and replace more than trees are. Bamboo grows to full maturity in just about five years, and commercial grade bamboo can be harvested even as early as three years from planting.


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