Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Living Room Lighting

The living room serves as a hub for home activities, and it is usually the main visitation room when guests come. Living room lighting requires layers of illumination to be truly effective and careful attention to walls, decorationsIf you are using recessed lighting all over your room, you’ll want to use a light bulb that will give you all over lighting. Using incandescent standard A19 style light bulbs or going to a compact fluorescent twister style or A shape will give you an all 

over light. Lighting is the most important aspect of your LR because it will help you calm down and regenerate. Ideally the lights in your LV should be adjustable so you can fix it according to your mood. When you come into your house, you should change and relax in the soothing lights of your living room. Wall lights should be able to be dimmed so you can take a quick nap. This will help you see the world differently and change your mind set. Spending time in your living room will also make it feel more alive, especially with the lights.


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